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Wake County Drug Possession Defense Attorneys

Johnston County Illegal Drug Possession Defense Lawyers

Lawyers in Raleigh, NC Helping Clients Charged With Possession of Controlled Substances

When you have been charged with illegal drug possession in the state of North Carolina, the consequences associated with a conviction can be extremely serious. You could also experience severe damage to both your professional and personal reputation. At the Vasquez Law Firm, PLLC, we know that attitudes toward low-level possession of certain drugs have evolved around the country in recent decades, but those who possess larger amounts or other substances could still face expensive fines and long periods of incarceration. The skilled criminal defense attorneys at our firm understand the grave nature of North Carolina drug possession allegations, and we have the experience and resources to help you protect your future.

Counsel for Illegal Drug Possession Charges in Smithfield and Charlotte

Over the last few years, more and more states throughout the country have passed increasingly permissive laws regarding the possession of marijuana. Similarly, many states have also instituted programs allowing the use of cannabis for approved medical purposes. In North Carolina, however, there is no comprehensive medical cannabis program, which means that anyone who is found to be in possession of marijuana is subject to criminal prosecution. Compared to most other drugs, the penalties associated with possessing small amounts of marijuana are relatively less severe, but a conviction will still have a substantial impact on your life.

The drug crimes defense attorneys at Vasquez Law Firm, PLLC have more than 35 years of experience in the practice of criminal law. We have helped many clients in and around central North Carolina facing all types of drug possession charges. Our lawyers know what is at stake when you have been charged with the possession of a controlled substance, and we will work hard to ensure that your rights and best interests are fully protected. We can assist you in defending against charges related to the possession of:

  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamines
  • Heroin
  • Fentanyl
  • Ecstasy or MDMA
  • Marijuana
  • Prescription medications without a valid prescription
  • Any other illicit substance

Under North Carolina, simple possession of most common "street" drugs other than marijuana is prosecutable as a felony offense, punishable by up to a year in prison. More serious penalties are possible for possession of greater amounts.

Drug Possession and Your Fourth Amendment Rights

In any North Carolina drug possession case, the type and the amount of the drug in question will be the primary factors in determining the level of the charges. Significantly larger amounts of drugs could even lead to charges to charges of possession with intent to distribute. However, the state's main evidence in drug possession cases is usually the drug itself, which is typically found during a search by law enforcement. When conducting a search, police officers must be careful so that they do not violate or compromise your rights under the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The Fourth Amendment promises you the right to be free from unreasonable and unlawful searches or seizures of your property. For example, a lawful search of your residence normally requires a warrant signed by a judge and based on probable cause. In some cases, an officer can conduct a warrantless search of your vehicle, but he or she must still have probable cause.

Evidence, including illegal or controlled substances, that are found during an unlawful search could be set aside by the court. Without such evidence, prosecutors may have no choice but to dismiss the charges. Our team will carefully review the details of your arrest and actions taken by the police to determine whether your constitutional rights were compromised or violated.

Protecting Your Future

At the Vasquez Law Firm, PLLC, we know that in some cases, it may be in your best interests to reach a deal with prosecutors that allows you to avoid a formal conviction. North Carolina, as well as individual counties, offer various programs that could lead to the reduction or elimination of the charges against if you successfully complete such programs. Our lawyers will help you negotiate with prosecutors so that you can take accountability and begin putting your life back on track. If necessary, however, we will take your case into the courtroom to protect your innocence at trial.

Schedule a Free Consultation

For more information about our firm and how we can help you defend against drug possession charges in North Carolina, contact us today. Call 1-844-YO-PELEO or 919-989-3000 for a free consultation. Our criminal defense team represents clients in Raleigh, Smithfield, Charlotte, Wake County, Johnston County, Mecklenburg County, and the neighboring areas. Hablamos Espanol.

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